February 19, 2018

Top 3 content marketing dos and don’ts you need to know in 2018

A black slate with "DO'S AND DON'TS" written with chalk - Content Marketing Dos and Donts - Scatter

It is the year 2018 and companies are creating more content than ever before. But is everyone doing it right? As India’s first content marketing company, we’ve spent more than three years in the trenches and have realized that there are some content marketing Dos and Don’ts that are universally applicable. For example, always starting with the ‘why’ of content than the ‘how’ or keeping your audiences’ needs at the centre of the content creation process and not your products and services.

Go through our quick list of content marketing dos and don’ts and let us know in the comments how many of these do you already follow!


1. Have a documented content marketing strategy

Content Marketing Dos and Donts
2. Repurpose your content
Content Marketing Dos and Donts - Scatter

3. Tap into trending opportunities

Content Marketing Dos and Donts - Scatter


1. Don’t only talk about your products and services

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 2. Don’t report on unnecessary metrics
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3. Don’t forget to promote your content
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Now that you are well-aware of the Dos and Don’ts of content marketing, click here to read about the content marketing opportunities in March that brands like yours can leverage upon.