March 19, 2018

Awesome tips to become a successful Twitter influencer

Becoming a Twitter Inflencer - A young couple taking a picture of food on the table using their phones - Scatter

Over the past few years, Twitter has grown to become one of the most useful and powerful media to get one’s voice heard. It also poses an excellent content marketing opportunity for experts to influence and shape opinions. A Twitter influencer has a huge role to play in creating or adding to the buzz around a subject. Since people love, follow, and trust these influencers, they are more than eager to read and share their opinions on trending issues.

Here are some tips on how you can become a pro Twitter influencer in no time:

1. Use the right hashtags

Unless you use industry-specific and the most relevant hashtags, you’re not going to grab the attention of those who are not following you yet. Including hashtags in your tweets make them accessible to the entire world discussing that particular topic on Twitter, thereby attracting them to your profile. Don’t overdo it though, tweets with too many hashtags are difficult to read and you could end up losing the reader’s attention.

2. Being active is crucial for a twitter influencer

Did you know that there are more than 330 million active Twitter users out there, who collectively send out more than 500 million tweets every single day?

Don’t let the numbers scare you. This is just to give you an idea of the reach and pace of this global platform. What you need to infer from this is – unless you are tweeting regularly, and your tweets are gaining significant traction, it’s very easy to be forgotten. Therefore, one of the keys to becoming a successful influencer is to keep the interaction going; ideally, this involves tweeting several times a day.

3. Ensure your tweets boost your influence

As much as it’s vital to be active on Twitter, it’s also important that your tweets are valuable and relevant to your audience. Make sure that your tweets increase your authority in your area of expertise, and position you as an industry leader. Set realistic goals for what areas you wish to share proficiency on; it’s easier to become an expert in select areas than trying to spread yourself too thin.

4. Be as consistent as possible

Once you’ve found your niche, started to establish influence, and are active enough on Twitter, the next thing you need to do is strive for consistency. Stay true to what you believe in and what your followers expect from you. Constantly changing your opinions or tweeting something just because everyone else is doing so can deplete your followership drastically. So be true to your beliefs and give your fans what they expect from you.

5. Respond to followers

Twitter is a great platform for building dialogue and having relevant conversations. So, make sure you acknowledge and respond to the comments you receive. Let your followers know that you appreciate their support and kind words.

Becoming an influencer on Twitter is likely to take time, but it’s certainly achievable. Hopefully, this article has provided some ideas for those just starting out on Twitter. To know more about the Twitter analytics you need to watch out for every tweet, click here.