November 19, 2018

Take your first steps with the Workflow Management System (WMS)

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The Workflow Management System (WMS) is our answer to your content-related problems. It makes all participants part of the end-to-end content creation– content planning, resource allocation, content recommendation and creation, content review, feedback implementation and invoicing.

Since time is of the essence (as also money!), it ensures simultaneous actions by all people involved. And it does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that the savings in time and resources are bound to have a positive impact on content creation and planning. Our internal evaluation reveals that WMS has led to doubling the content output over a six-month period!

Scatter has put together 20,000 pieces of content till recently. This scale and scope of work, which is growing by the day, could only be sustained by bringing in greater efficiency. Simultaneously, we were equally sensitive to making the lives of our clients simpler. Streamlined functioning was just what the management gurus ordered!

Watch the video to understand the process better.