August 23, 2017

Want to run a forum? Here’s what you should keep in mind

Scatter - How to run a forum

In the digital age, the online discussion forum, (sometimes called a bulletin board or message board) serves as a virtual coffee shop. It enables people to chat in real-time or over days or weeks about practically any topic, making forums an appealing venue. Internet marketers, home brewers, and robot enthusiasts alike can all gather on forums that cater to their particular interests or hobbies, and meet others with similar interests.


As easy as it is to find a forum for your topic of interest, running one is a whole other story. Whether you’re starting one from scratch or taking control of an existing forum from another administrator, there’s bound to be a learning curve, as you figure out how to run a successful board.

Tone Matters

Depending on the topic, age and interests of the members, a forum will ideally have a unique tone. You could become known for having a very relaxed, casual forum or a more professional space that’s ideal for networking.

Scatter How to run a forum - Tone

Either way, the tone matters and will help attract new members looking for a similar forum. Whether you want it to be professional and carefully moderated about specific topics, or free-for-all, make the decision early on.

Write Down the Rules

Regardless of what tone you decide to encourage on your forum, it is best to write rules down for everyone to follow. Even the most casual forums have rules to help settle disputes that inevitably arise. And if you are a strict moderator, people could complain that they didn’t know what they did wrong, if you don’t have visible rules.

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Remember that these rules could gradually change, as and when necessary, so not everything has to be addressed upfront. However, try and tackle common issues you expect to encounter.

Seed Great Topics

Most people don’t want to make the effort to think up topics when a forum is brand new, and the board is nearly empty. Adding a few interesting questions on the board yourself is a great way to encourage new members to join ongoing discussions.

Scatter - How to run a forum - Idea

Take time to brainstorm thought-provoking topics that members would find interesting. Keep a list handy and make a note of subjects that are getting attention. You could consider using similar topics in the future to keep the discussions going.

Provide Quality Information

Much like the last tip, this is important as it helps retain members. No matter how interesting or thought-provoking a topic is, if it isn’t providing your target members with the information they want, they will likely not return.

Scatter - How to run a forum - Quality

For instance, if you’re running an internet marketing forum, talk about viable business plans; or if you’re talking about robots, share specs and solutions for common problems. Even if you’re holding an amateur brewing discussion, share recipes and different ways to use ingredients. All these topics count as quality information your target audience wants to know.

Keep New Blood Flowing

While you shouldn’t be actively getting rid of older members (they are, after all, the lifeblood of the forum), you need to make an effort to recruit newer ones.

Welcome new members with a board that is specifically created for introductions, and respond to them when they join in discussions. This will encourage them to return and get involved in the community.


Running a forum isn’t always easy, but it has many rewards. You get to facilitate a group of like-minded individuals with knowledge to share, curiosity, and a healthy sense of community. If you make your community welcoming and interesting, you can keep your community full of life.