July 26, 2019

6 Reasons Why Live Streaming Can be an Effective Marketing Tool

Live Streaming

As a marketer, the one superpower you must possess is adaptability. You could have put substantial money and effort into a particular marketing channel – but before you know it, your audience may have shifted loyalties to the next new innovation. Marketers today need to be agile enough to adapt to such changes. As today’s audience gets more and more primed to consuming live streaming content, the market is only expected to boom and become a $70 billion industry in two years.

Here’s why marketers should seriously consider including live streaming as important ammo in their marketing arsenal:

Your audience loves live streaming

Almost 63% of youth are hooked on to live streaming. Even the older demographic is warming up to it. The primary reason to include this format is to meet your audience where they currently are.

You need not spend a huge chunk of the marketing budget

With platforms like Facebook and Instagram offering free live streaming options, brands need not worry about production and associated costs. It makes this form of videos one of the most cost-effective marketing tools. In fact, if your content is on point, a regular smartphone is all the tool you need to fire it up!

You promote more active engagements

The biggest advantage lies in its real-time engagement as live-streamed videos have become the new-age live TV shows for consumers who are hungry and hyped for spontaneous content. The opportunity to interact with the audience, answer queries, and gather feedback in real-time makes it a quick and convenient engagement tool.

You forge a higher degree of trust through better transparency

Gone are the days when brands hid behind the safety of pre-drafted ads and marketing collateral. Now they’re getting as close to the audience as possible, which actually encourages trust. When the audience gets a chance to see your brand without the rosy lens of scripted production, they automatically peg it as transparent and trustworthy.

You reach a greater number of your followers

Social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube favor live streaming videos. This translates into the fact that your followers have more chance of seeing a video streamed on their feed as against a static image or a non-live video.

You effortlessly humanize your brand

It’s said that people buy from people. Therefore, if you want to create brand stalwarts at the initial stages of the interaction, it’s important to leverage tools like live streaming. Even video-on-demand can’t add a human touch as effectively as live streaming can. This is because the latter involves an actual person (or group of people) that your audience interacts with.

The growth of live videos has surpassed other formats. This is why, in addition to platforms exclusively created for streaming live content, all major social media platforms have also started offering this feature.

Parting Words

Brands may be leaving a lot on the table by ignoring this potential tool. As a marketer, the next step is to choose the platform where your audience hangs out the most. Pick one key point that you want your audience to know about your brand, and just start streaming!

Related Links

5 Brands that have best leveraged live streaming

The impact of live streaming on influencer marketing

Live Streaming Videos: The most powerful way to share content