Scatter Editorial Desk

Aug 2019

Tips to create a brand tagline that connects with audiences

Brand Tagline Concept
“Branding is what people say about you when you’re not in the room” –Jeff Bezos The terms brand and tagline are often used interchangeably today. Even though a tagline does not entirely define the brand, it is a step towards making a powerful brand identity. Which is why when you hear the lines ‘The Happiest.....
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Apr 2018

Great content marketing examples for audience engagement Vol. I

Audience engagement - advertisement from HP studio on "The Wolf" and the LEGO Batman advertisement - Scatter
Brands want to become publishers and producers of content. Marketers have finally acknowledged that good content is the way to a consumer’s heart; it is essential to drive audience engagement and conversations. Keeping content consumers ‘engaged’ means a couple of things. There are presentation aspects to be considered. The content should be interesting, meaning it.....
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Mar 2018

Creating successful branded content for your business

an illustration of branded content concept
Creating branded content? In today’s scenario, every marketer aims to create consumer-centric content. While traditional marketing approaches generally glorified a particular brand, product, or service, new-age strategies focus on making consumers’ lives easier. And this is exactly what creating branded content helps you achieve. Branded content is a marketing practice that helps brands grab attention.....
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