
Problem :

To portray their products as an economical means to achieve the social status and style associated with more expensive devices.

Solution :

We built a 360-degree content strategy to appeal to technologically advanced millennials and help them have the best possible smartphone experience. Our content aims to empower users to understand their phones better and stay updated with the latest Android technology. We also implemented a variety of innovative methods to solve their problems and queries.

Result :

Brand image improved considerably, evidenced by a huge increase in site traffic and online engagement. Deeper engagement was achieved with each visitor exploring an average of 2.8 pages per visit. Bounce rate reduced from 70% to 50%, with the and average time spent on 42 articles increasing by up to 3 minutes.

0 mins
Increase in time spent on 42 articles
0 %
Drop in Bounce rate to 22.40%
pages per visitor