Scatter Editorial Desk

Feb 2021

Save time while creating quality content

save time while creating content
Content creation can be a tedious task that involves consistent effort and thorough attention to detail. A lot goes into creating a single piece of content – extensive research on the selected topic, planning the creative, necessary editing, and countless rounds of revisions. Similarly, there are several things to account for at the back end,.....
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Sep 2018

5 Biggest don’ts for content writers

content marketing, content marketing India, branded content, growth hacking, Scatter, content writers
Recent data suggests that 88% of buyers research products online before making a purchase. A brand, therefore, must work hard to provide compelling information to consumers. As content writers, your job is to make content readable, informative, and persuasive. This takes skill, and it is easy to get muddled while trying to get all three.....
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