Scatter Editorial Desk

Mar 2021

Interactive content drives customer engagement. Here’s how

interactive content
Interactive content, as the name suggests, is a unique form of content that actively encourages users to engage with it, instead of passively consuming it as in the case of blogs or articles. It creates a unique experience for users as they become a part of the brand’s storytelling process and is likely to stick.....
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Sep 2018

4 Ways interactive content can give your brand a leg-up

interactive content - five hot air balloons floating in the air where one balloon rises higher than the others due to an additional balloon
Content marketing should be a two-way street. And what better way to ensure this than by engaging customers through interactive content? But how does it involve the user any more than other formats, you ask? Well, interactive design is characterised by user control, responsiveness, personalisation, and playfulness; all of them interdependent. User control refers to the freedom.....
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