Why brands need a long term relationship with influencers
As a brand thriving to pave its way into the market, the first goal is to set yourself apart from competitors. One of the best ways to do so is by building a fruitful relationship with influencers, who often have a large hold over audiences in their niche. It is an industry that is growing exponentially and is expected to reach almost $5-10 billion by 2020. Like any affiliation, this one too should revolve circle around the vested interests of both the parties. Since 93% of marketers agree to invest in content marketing, here are five ways in which a long-term relationship with an influencer can effectively optimise the co-dependent relationship.
When brands invest in a long-term relationship with an influencer, they boost the authenticity and longevity of their name in the market. When Sephora undertook a long-term brand ambassador program, they witnessed immensely fruitful results from the partnership. A more genuine message was sent out to consumers who believed the brand had their vested interest in mind. A long-term relationship gave the brand the power to make a more impactful mark on its audience via preferred partners who shared authentic content.
Long-Term Success
As a brand looking to grow and secure large areas in the market space, long-term relationships have proved to be a more feasible choice. A lasting relationship has empowered brands to sustain lifelong customers by building a well-nurtured partnership. If the ultimate goal is to break boundaries and spread your brand name, a long-term relationship with clearly defined contracts will help you eliminate the usual hiccups on your route to reach the end goal.
Cost Effective
The initial investment with an influencer may seem like a significant amount. But a long-lasting relationship is a more a cost-efficient choice that simplifies the invoicing procedure too. From evaluating, planning, preparing and yielding benefits- a long-term partnership is a viable option for brands. The partner already knows the brand, takes away the cost of time-consuming research, avoids expensive mistakes and suggests creative concepts for the brand to implement. Overall, a long-term relationship with an influencer will cover your investment by driving steady leads in the long run.
ALSO READ: How to measure the ROI of your influencer marketing campaign
Brand Loyalty
A long-term content marketing relationship with a partner helps brands to build a band of loyal customers. Today customers are looking for relevant content that can help them make a more informed decision. Long-term content partners are vital assets for businesses because they already know what the audience needs. They merely help improve brand awareness among their target customers. Striking a long-term deal may take longer but will ultimately result in significantly steady customers that put their faith in the brand.
Robust Planning & Creative Freedom
When you work with a group of different content partners, each of them has their own schedules, methods, and timelines. It is unlikely that each of them will match your brand values and goals. A long-term relationship with a content partner will be easier to align with your marketing calendar, briefs, and deadlines. They have a better understanding of the brand’s tonality, voice, and overall approach. In the end, a long-term partner has the edge to whip up creative content ideas for the brand without having to ‘babysit’ them.