November 9, 2020

Lesser-known SEO insights for successful content marketing

SEO Insights Content Marketing

To maintain and increase your page views and boost your Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) ranking, you need to be updated with the latest SEO evolution and trends. Small changes in the search engine algorithm can occasion the need to realign your content marketing strategies. The reason? The flow of almost all organic traffic originates from search queries. So, it’s simple – the better your SEO, the better is your SERP ranking and flow of traffic.

Small changes in the search engine algorithm can occasion the need to realign your content marketing strategies. Share on X

Technical SEO and user experience

User experience in the context of web traffic could be anything from your SERP appearance to web page appearance to user personalization to remarketing. Although not a new concept, technical SEO is the underrated centerpiece of user experience as well as your SERP performance. On the one hand, technical SEO ensures a faster website that improves the user experience. On the other, it also ensures improved crawlability, making it easier for search engines to find links to the website.

A mobile-oriented approach

Your SEO is not complete without a mobile-oriented approach, complete with coverage of mobile SERPs. Instead of working on a desktop-friendly website and then coming up with a mobile version, websites are now being built mobile-first. This, in itself, indicates the importance of having mobile-oriented content marketing. To pull it off, you have to maintain good page speeds and use image and code optimization, among other things. Optimizing the local search, titles, meta descriptions, browser caching, etc. are some handy ways to improve your campaign model and raise your brand’s SERP ranking.

Your SEO is not complete without a mobile-oriented approach, complete with coverage of mobile SERPs. Share on X

More customer-driven content

The plethora of options within content marketing can baffle you. Email marketing, blogs, videos, digital PR, podcasts, infographics – the list may seem endless. But as a brand, you have to derive choices and answers from your audience. Quora, Google Analytics, forums, blog comments, etc. are some typical places where you can find feedback from the average consumer. For instance, customer preference for voice search is rising. Consequently, long-tail keywords and 4W1H inclusions can be key inclusions in your SEO.

More visual content to boost traffic

We consume visual content with greater recall. We can’t help it – that’s just how we are! As a brand, this is where your focus should be. Few other content formats register in the human brain as effectively as photography and illustration do. Analysts have observed a visible rise in web traffic and social media engagement after an image post. By prioritizing quality over quantity and powering infographics with a strong content marketing and promotional strategy, better SEO results can be expected.

Planning SEO around RankBrain

In its five years of existence, RankBrain has helped Google understand users’ search intents with much more clarity. While RankBrain tries to study the underlying signals of a search, as a brand, you have to build your SERP reputation around these signals. Signals could include freshness of content, depth of coverage, earned links, user engagement level, etc. If your brand is a news portal, relevant signals to win the internet could be freshness or engagement level. Originally used by Google to process queries that it never tackled before, RankBrain is now used for all queries.

Internal deep linking is the key to ranking

If you have new content, internal links are key to Google finding it and displaying it in the search results. It helps Google to crawl from a known page to a new page and add it to its list of known pages. As you continue to generate fresh content, it is essential to link them to existing visited pages. While applying deep linking, it is vital not to link the same pages – particularly the navigation pages – again and again. A better linking strategy will result in better ranking of your brand pages. Another part of your linking strategy can be to earn backlinks from highly ranked external web pages. This is where posting guest blogs where they matter can work in your favour.

As you continue to generate fresh content, it is essential to link them to existing visited pages. Share on X

Optimizing the landing pages

Directing traffic to the home page may not be able to convert web traffic to lead generation. Worse, it can even fail to retain the traffic it attracts. Adding the creation of landing pages (yes, plural) to your marketing models can open up more inroads into your brand’s website. With specific landing pages for different goals, you can accommodate more calls-to-action in your pages. Landing pages with crisp content and good visuals are important to make them stand out. The idea of having these landing pages is to generate leads, sales, and sign-ups that you aspire for. Also, an ideal landing page may seem like a casino, with no visible navigation out of it!

Along with understanding lesser-known SEO insights, give importance to these underutilized yet influential hacks that can give a boost to your brand’s online presence and overall content marketing strategies. By putting all these SEO tips into practice, your brand can look forward to seeing more traffic and a better ranking in the search results page.


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