October 31, 2016

How to understand your core audiences

‘Listen to what the other person is saying and it will help you communicate better’ is perhaps something that we are encouraged to do in our everyday life. This same piece of useful advice can be put to use in content marketing as well. It is imperative that you know your audiences well so you can deliver better.

We give you some quick tips on understanding your target audiences well. It will help you build a robust strategy and will be worth every penny you spend on content marketing.

What audiences want:

  • Follow the keywords: Always keep an eye on the keywords people use to reach you. This will give you an idea of how people end up landing on your site and also the kind of information they wish to consume.
  • Become an analytics geek: Studying your website analytics will tell you the demographics of your audience and how they interact with your site. Right from what appeals to them to what does not interest them at all, the information you obtain from analytics can often leave you surprised.
  • #IsAnyoneListeningToSocialMediaChatter: The importance of social media in content marketing cannot be undermined. It is therefore essential to use this platform as a potent medium to decode audience behavior. There are various tools available in the market that will help decode what, how and when of your users’ content consumption patterns and also capture their feedback. By tracking posts and hashtags beyond likes, you can understand what content has worked and what has not. This will help you tailor better and more relevant content over a period of time.
  • Don’t only listen to them, talk to them as well: Everyone likes to be spoken to. So reach out to your audience by way of blogs, social media or any other medium you deem fit and talk to them. Remember, this is aside of the content you keep bombarding them with. Listen to what they have to say and you’ll be surprised to find that some of the best suggestions come out of audience feedbacks. It will help you get closer to them as also create better content.

Monitoring audience behavior is not a one-time activity. It is an iterative and constant process that keeps you on your toes and keeps the audience coming back for more!