January 10, 2018

7 Pro tips to writing effective video scripts

pro tips for writing video scripts

Writing video scripts has taken on a whole new meaning today, particularly for brands. This is because potential customers now spend a considerable amount of time watching videos before making purchases, whether they are 360-degree videos, Boomerang videos, Instagram stories or even Snapchat videos. This clearly shows that video content is here to stay, which is why inbound marketers are increasingly using video marketing to tell their brand’s or product’s story.

Interesting findings on video viewership:

While everyone likes to watch videos, there is a lot that happens behind the scenes when creating a video. Among other factors, the core essence of a powerful video is a solid script. The way in which this is written determines the effectiveness of the video. Simply repurposing a blog post into a video scripts will not make the cut.

So, here are some tips to keep in mind before you start writing your next video script:

Map a well-defined brief

Mapping the goals and project plan can ensure that everyone working on the video is on the same page. The last thing you want when executing a video is to have to rework the concept while you are halfway through editing. When everyone is clear on the project right from the beginning, creating and executing video scripts around the core concept becomes easier. Check out some examples of effective video campaigns here.

Keep it simple

Research shows that 20% of viewers close a video after 10 seconds or less– that’s all the time you have to engage with your audience! Keep your script precise, and say only what is necessary. Avoid using complex sentences in your; at the same time, don’t forget the engagement factor. Get creative with your script so that you can reel in your audience from the get-go. Here are some tips for writing responsive web content.

Add life to every word

Writers tend to document only the essential dialogues or events in a script, while the rest is left for the videographer to interpret. This invariably causes confusion, and the message is often not conveyed clearly. To make the process easier, create comprehensive video scripts, including details such as characters, scenarios, set settings or stage actions. Ultimately, the scripts must be comprehensive enough for anyone to understand and execute.

Build a narrative arc

To create an impactful video, it is important that your script binds together as a story. A storytelling structure must have a continuing storyline or narrative. Your audience should not feel like they’re being fed uninteresting or lifeless information, data or statistics. Instead, build a story around the core idea to make it conversational and personal. Check out this short guide to storytelling to help you better understand the art.

Set the tonality right

Understand your target audience. Based on their profiles, set the tonality of your video scripts so that they ‘speak the language’ of your audience and builds a connection. Additionally, your script should suit the medium or channel on which it will be uploaded. Typically, videos for social media and mobile marketing require crisp scripts for short-form videos, while you could consider a comprehensive script for a long-form video that will be added to your website or blog.

Make it actionable with a CTA

The goal of every marketing campaign is to drive conversions, leads or traffic. A call-to-action (CTA) is one of the best ways to ensure your video is actionable. A brilliant brand story, using video marketing, is effective only if it instils interest and urges your potential customer to purchase/download your product or service.

Finally, rehearse your video scripts out loud

Once your script is written, read it out loud. This way you can determine what it sounds like to your audience, whether it flows smoothly, its duration, which parts need to be changed or require more emphasis etc. Only through several readings can you fine-tune your video scripts to ensure they resonate with your target audience. Check out these facts on video marketing that could probably change the way you make videos going forward. Creating a relevant video script determines whether a video will be successfully executed and received. Do you create video scripts, or do you have insights on video marketing? Let us know in the comments below!