June 18, 2018

Social media marketing: 3 Reasons to use visuals on Twitter

twitter - a woman peeping through her fingers

There are a variety of social media platforms that are firmly focused on visual content, such as Instagram or Pinterest. You may think Twitter is more conversational than visual. However, you can also enjoy great success on that platform with visuals. This article will explain some of the benefits.

1. Ensure higher engagement levels on Twitter

Irrespective of whether a social media site is visually based or not, visual social media updates tend to have higher engagement levels. Many of the most successful brands on Twitter have a lot of visual content. It is indeed an innovative approach to gain more attention for your content, and this relates to engagement in a variety of ways.

2. Make your profile more appealing

On a related point, visual content can make your Twitter profile appear much more attractive. Of course, this extends to your profile and header images as well as your social media updates. Eye-catching profiles are more likely to attract new followers and be talked about.

3. Make your profile look less ‘promotional’

It’s no secret that brands use social media to promote themselves, and the products and services they offer. However, consumers could be put off by a Twitter profile that makes it too obvious. Companies are learning that a conversational approach with occasional promotional content tends to work better.


Visual content can certainly help you gain traction on Twitter. The critical thing is to focus on your original content and information. Remember, your goal is to divert users to your website, and once they’re there, have them make a purchase. For example, a series of visual updates to promote your latest blog post can be an extremely effective strategy.

Of course, it’s crucial to keep things fresh and edgy on social media. So your Twitter profile should contain different types of content. And there are significant benefits to using visual updates regularly. Keep in mind that visuals can lead to higher engagement, make your profile more appealing, and have your brand appear less promotional.