July 20, 2018

7 Stages of building a strong business case for your content marketing endeavors

a meme on content marketing advising the readers to outsource content marketing

Every marketer who has ever delved into content marketing will be able to relate to these 7 stages of getting their marketing and brand teams on board. Trust us, it may be tough, but with 74% of companies indicating that content marketing is increasing their marketing teams’ lead quality and quantity in stages, it’s time you get yours on board too.  

Phase 1: When nobody has heard of content marketing, so you go around telling them…

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes


Phase 2: When you catch their attention and have to stay calm while trying to break down content marketing in the simplest way possible (without underselling it).  

 content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes


Phase 3: When someone inevitably asks, “Why can’t we just focus on advertising?” and you have to retort with: 

 content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes 


Phase 4: When they finally get on board, and you’re happy that your colleagues are finally beginning to understand what content marketing really is, and then they say this… 

 content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes

And you have to keep calm and reply 

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes 

Or when they exclaim, “But we just got done with revamping our website!” And you have to tell them… 

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes


Phase 5: When they try to imply that content is not equipped to achieve real business goals and you have to hit back with. 

 content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes 

Until they finally get it 

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes  

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes


Phase 6: When you finally get the go ahead and they ask you when content marketing will be done, and you have to help them look beyond the ‘campaign’ approach so you can get to the real, long- term engagement…

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes


Driven by a healthy dose of… 

content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes 


Phase 7: When you finally get started, and before they know it, there are… 

 content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes

And that look of realization finally dawns on them, and they can’t help but say… 

 content marketing, content marketing india, branded content, growth hacking, scatter, content marketing memes