February 20, 2019

Unravelling the concept of adaptive content

Adaptive content indicated through letters arranged to spell adapt

Everybody loves things that are personalised. Whether it’s a passport cover with your name on it or relevant product recommendations from Amazon; personalisation makes things easier. As we continue to make users’ journeys as tailored as possible, utilising adaptive content on websites is now more crucial than it ever was.

What is adaptive content?

Adaptive content is adjusted based on various user-specific factors. Perhaps you’re thinking, ‘Isn’t this what responsive design is supposed to be?’ Well, they are actually quite different.

When websites are made with ‘responsive’ design, or as per a user’s device, only the layout of the content changes. This means no more pinching out or scrolling horizontally to view the entire webpage. However, the content and its intricacies remain the same.

Adaptive content, on the other hand, takes into consideration not only a user’s device but numerous other factors like their location, age, language, and their recent online behaviour.

Why should adaptive content form part of your marketing strategy? 

A study by McKinsey observed that businesses that adopted an adaptive content strategy saw three to ten times more conversions than average.

If you think about it, the fewer details users have to enter themselves, the more efficient their experience becomes.

One of the biggest search engines, Google, says that 90% of organisations that invested in personalised user experiences agreed it significantly contributed to increasing profitability.

The expectations people have from technology and websites keep increasing by the day, and utilising adaptive content is a primary way of meeting these expectations. Making small yet significant changes to your website can greatly impact your revenue.

Consider this: when heavy web pages take a while to load, they often result in users bouncing off. People like having content readily available, especially when they’re on the go.

To ensure that user experience isn’t hampered, serve crisp content with basic functionalities on the mobile format, and keep heavier functions active on the desktop version. You can take advantage of the fact that people prefer making a purchase on a desktop even if they conduct research on their smartphones.

Another aspect to consider is the search engine people use to access your website. Google continues to be one of the most popular choices as a search engine. Seeing the shift of users from desktop to mobile, it urges websites to serve the best experience on mobile devices.

All in all, adaptive content offers benefits across multiple parameters. It will help you keep both your users as well as search engines happy.